Chapter 2516

The two nurses froze. Moments later, they came back to their senses. “You have type-B blood?”

“Yes,” replied Amber Mitchell.

“Then come with us, but you need a blood test before you can donate,” the nurse said.

Amber Mitchell nodded her head, showing that she understood.

When Amber Mitchell followed one of the nurses to the blood-drawing room, there were already some doctors and nurses inside. Some of them held cotton balls to one part of their arms. It seemed that they had just gotten their blood drawn.

Amber Mitchell rolled up the sleeve of her left hand, exposing her left arm while she kept the glove on her right hand.

Due to the missing finger on her right hand, she had formed the habit of wearing gloves.

A tube of blood was drawn from her arm. The results would be

out in 15 minutes.

Three medical workers there also donated their blood, and they could not help but applaud Amber Mitchell’s decision to donate

Chapter 2516

and heard that a child

and fewer people

to donate their blood on a whim,


“I think it’s good

blood could save a child, she would feel that the life that Herman had

three nurses arranged

as she saw the red blood flow through the transparent tube into the plastic bag. She only hoped that the child would

the child’s illness was if they needed a

all she

within the

got it,” replied Amber

Chapter 2516


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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