Chapter 2517

“Why don’t you tell me where the patient’s family is and I’ll return it to them myself?” said Amber Mitchell.

“I’m afraid it’s inconvenient for us to disclose their information. without their consent,” the nurse said.

Amber Mitchell went silent.

Just then, another nurse put the bag away. Amber Mitchell vaguely heard a voice from the next room. “Hurry and take it to

the 12th floor.”

’12th floor? Is the kid who needs blood on the 12th floor?’ Amber Mitchell wondered to herself.

She could not leave immediately because she had just finished donating her blood. She had to rest for 30 minutes first. She could only leave if there were no adverse symptoms.

After 30 minutes passed, Amber Mitchell took the red envelope and left the blood-drawing room.

There was only one 12-story building dedicated to the inpatient department in this hospital.

to the inpatient department and took the elevator. She intended to check with the nurses’ station on the 12th floor to see if

Chapter 2517

and return them the red envelope.


ran into George Gregory coming out of the doctor’s office

several doctors, who seemed to be talking to

Gregory, the transfusion is only to handle the emergency. It’s safer to transfuse the child with his mother’s blood. Blood from a biological mother is the most

Mitchell’s release would take some

a month. If

probably have to suffer many


Louise Mitchell and would not pity her

something every time it came to his son.

at any cost. Even if Louise Mitchell were guilty, he would

sensing something, George Gregory stopped abruptly and looked in

Chapter 2517


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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