Chapter 2518

He had been wondering what kind of person they were. Who knew it was her?


Even if she did not donate, he could have found plenty of other donors… Why her?

“I have no regrets. I want to save the child. So what if he’s your and Louise Mitchell’s child? Grown-ups’ affairs are between grown-ups. The child has nothing to do with us,” Amber Mitchell said indifferently.

‘Nothing to do?’ George Gregory suddenly felt a sense of irony.

She had no idea he married Louise Mitchell because of the child.

“Since you gave me this red envelope, I’ll return it to you. I donated blood to those in need. I don’t need a red envelope.” With that said, Amber Mitchell handed him the red envelope.

However, George Gregory did not take it. He looked at Amber Mitchell’s face. “I won’t take back what I’ve given away. If you don’t want to accept the red envelope, you can throw it away!”

red envelope to the nurses’ station, saying, “Mr. George Gregory is donating this sum to the hospital. Take it.” With that said,

Chapter 2518


elevator. Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and said coldly, “I’m going to ask you one last time. Do you

faint smile. “I already have nothing, so I have nothing to lose. In that case, what do I have to be

Amber Mitchell walked

George Gregory staring at the closed elevator

a while before he returned to the

in the hospital bed. He was pale and wearing an

blood was Amber

the blood bag hanging in front of him, not expecting Amber Mitchell’s blood to be transfused into his son’s body one day.

blood was the


would only become

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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