Chapter 2519

He did not seek justice for Sandra Lucas’s death over the years. Instead, he used the illicit fortune to improve his life. How much family affection would he have now?

Would he give up part of his fortune or even get into trouble with the authorities for a sister who had been dead for years?

Amber Mitchell’s heart sank instantly.

Just then, she noticed from the glass panel in front of her that someone was staring at her in a corner not far behind her. She seemed to have seen this person… around George Gregory before!

With that in mind, Amber Mitchell suddenly shuddered and turned around, only to find ordinary patients, their families, and medical staff behind her. She did not see the person she had just


‘I’m… being followed!

‘Did George Gregory send someone to follow me?’ Amber Mitchell’s heart sank. If she had entered Stan Lucas’s ward and talked to Stan Lucas just now, George Gregory would have known that she came to the hospital for Stan Lucas!

Perhaps George Gregory would bribe Stan Lucas like how he bribed those doctors.

Chapter 2519


pretended to be looking for a ward. She continued walking and lingered in front of another ward. Finally, she went to the nurses’ station, made up a name, and asked if the patient had checked in.

subordinates report Amber Mitchell’s whereabouts. ‘Did she come to the hospital to see

be a coincidence? Or is there something else


his contact information, stating he would help her whenever she needed it.

Moss family too if he had even sent someone to follow her. Brian was not deeply involved

be able to find out much

Amber Mitchell said what she wanted. “Mr. Hart, I can email you the details. I wonder if you can

Chapter 2519

that Louise


“Okay, I’ll help you. I’ll get you the results as soon as

very well that Brian was willing to help her only because


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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