Chapter 2521

They thought their daughter hurt herself when she had a mental breakdown!

Louise Mitchell only stated she knew nothing about it. She always thought her sister was ill, so she often visited Amber Mitchell in the hospital. During those times, Amber Mitchell had behaved like a real mental patient.

All in all, the case was indeed as tough as Lawyer Gan said.

Even if the final chain of evidence could prove that the Mitchell family committed bribery and that Amber Mitchell was abused in the hospital, Louise Mitchell could still get acquitted.

The trial lasted three days.

On the third day of the trial, the judge sentenced Mr. Mitchell and Amber Mitchell’s stepmother to three years in prison, while Louise Mitchell was acquitted on the spot.

Louise Mitchell’s face instantly burst into a smirk. Sure enough, she was not found guilty in the end! George Gregory still had some tricks up his sleeve!

still emerged as the

at Amber Mitchell’s side, consoled Amber Mitchell by saying, “In any case, at least two people have

Chapter 2521


As for Louise Mitchell, we can sue her again

George Gregory must have made full preparations since he was

‘clear’ Louise Mitchell’s name. She could tell that her father and stepmother had also bet all their hopes on Louise Mitchell, believing they would be released from prison sooner as long as Amber Mitchell was safe.

that the Mitchell family owned

a pity, Sis. You couldn’t get what you wished for. Even the law has proven I’m innocent. Maybe you need to find another way to send me

full well whether you’re innocent or not,

smiled faintly before turning around and walking to George Gregory’s side. She took George Gregory’s

Gregory glanced indifferently at Louise Mitchell

Chapter 2521

her intimacy in front

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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