Chapter 2522


After a pause, Louise Mitchell said, “I also blame myself for not finding this out sooner. If Sis had trusted me more and told me the truth earlier, maybe I could have saved her sooner. I hope Sis will trust me after this incident. We’ll always be sisters!”

The words were uttered with such affection that those who did not know them would think that she loved her sister very much.

However, George Gregory was in no mood to watch Louise Mitchell play pretend. He asked the bodyguards to fend off the reporters and hurriedly got into his car with Louise Mitchell.

As soon as he got into the car, George Gregory said expressionlessly, “I gave you what you requested. We’ll go to the hospital later and ask the hospital to give you a full-body check-up to prepare for Simon’s transfusion.”

The expression on Louise Mitchell’s face changed. “Did you get me out only because of Simon? Do you really have no feelings for


“Do you think I’m supposed to feel anything for you today? What do you think I should feel for a woman who can harm

that evil?”

Chapter 2522

was not bothered to pay her any

suddenly laughed, but her laughter sounded harsh. “George Gregory, you’re really heartless. You treated Amber Mitchell that way, and you’re


of me

“Aren’t you afraid I won’t help Simon

you to reject the transfusion. Even if you refuse to do so, I can still make you

knew how cold-blooded he was, but she had always hoped that he would develop

she had admired his tender affections for Amber Mitchell, the more she found herself ridiculous

he was with Amber Mitchell,

and Louise Mitchell followed George Gregory out of the vehicle. She

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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