Chapter 2525

Although Kyla said nothing, Grace could sense that Kyla was missing Martin Weiss.

“As far as I know, he’s currently in L city, recuperating in

a mansion in the suburbs. He has passed over most of the company affairs to his subordinates. Only some decisions that affect the company are still made by him,” said Jason.

“Do you think he really wants a clean break-up with Kyla?” Grace asked.


“I guess so. But if Kyla wants to get back together with him, it’s not out of the question. Since Martin Weiss was willing to donate his kidney again to Kyla, could he refuse to be with Kyla if he learns that Kyla truly loves him?” Jason analyzed.

“I don’t know if Kyla can take that step,” Grace said with a sigh. If the doctor had not said that Kyla should not have too many emotional ups and downs in her current physical condition, she might have been unable to resist telling Kyla what Martin Weiss had done for her.

The Weiss family’s mansion in L City.

The lawyer handed a divorce agreement draft to Martin Weiss. “Mr. Weiss, this is the divorce agreement drafted as per your wishes. Please go over it and see if there’s anything to be added

or modified.”

Chapter 2525


and handed it back to the lawyer after reading the last page. “It’s alright.

well enough by then, so it was natural

I’ll do it,” replied

Martin Weiss closed his eyes. His recovery after the second liver donation was significantly worse than the first

his health, his body was still weak. He felt exhausted even if he had not done much the

must be the price

told him that his health would probably be much worse than before if he donated his liver a second time.

had expected all these.

he made himself. There was


each other for real this time,” he murmured, but only the silent air answered

Chapter 2525


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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