Chapter 2526

Louise Mitchell made up her mind to transfer her funds and sell some of her shares during her stay in the hospital.

She was afraid to sell them all for fear of arousing George Gregory’s suspicions.

However, even if she only sold a portion, it would be enough to ensure a lavish life for her.

On the day of the transfusion, Simon lay weakly in the hospital bed and said to Louise Mitchell, “Mommy, why haven’t you come to see me? I’ve missed you.”

Louise Mitchell had nothing but disgust for the son who called her ‘Mommy’. He was becoming increasingly like Amber Mitchell!

However, she still pretended to look like she missed him. “I’ve come to see you, haven’t I? Simon, don’t worry. I’ll save you.”

George Gregory glanced coldly at Louise Mitchell, who was putting on an act. Then, he turned to look tenderly at his son, saying, “Alright, be good and get some sleep. You’ll slowly get better after you wake up.”

Simon nodded obediently and closed his eyes.

George Gregory turned to the medical staff nearby and said,

Chapter 2526

“Let’s get started.”


hospital bed and watched as a nurse stuck a needle into her arm.

could save Simon was his biological mother’s blood, Simon

tell George Gregory that Simon’s biological mother was

Gregory would

Mitchell could not help smiling at

could not blame

was finally completed after

moment. After all, she had been pumping more blood out of her body this week than

home now?” Louise Mitchell asked

and rest for a few more days.” George Gregory was slightly surprised by

Chapter 2526

be in the hospital too long,” said Louise Mitchell. Besides, the longer

to go back to the Gregory family’s house. I’ve packed all your things


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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