Chapter 2527

The Gregory family and George Gregory!

She would make them pay one day!

However, what she should do now was leave before George Gregory found out that her blood had no effect on Simon!

With this in mind, Louise Mitchell got to work.

The next afternoon, Louise Mitchell headed to the airport with her luggage. She had bought a plane ticket to go abroad. She would be safe once she went abroad.

Even if George Gregory discovered something, he could no longer threaten her.

When Louise Mitchell rushed to the airport, the doctor was telling George Gregory the result of Simon’s exchange transfusion.

“The effect of the transfusion isn’t as good as we expected. It’s not even as good as the last time. Logically speaking, your wife is Simon’s biological mother, so this shouldn’t happen,” the doctor analyzed.

Gregory’s eyes narrowed. “It’s not even as good as last time?”


Chapter 2527


as the first regular transfusion, but the last one was better than these two times. We’re going to do some more research to see what went

research? How long will that take?” George Gregory asked.

child’s condition would worsen

soon as possible,” the doctor said. After

pressed his thin lips together tightly. He knew things would not turn out the way

His subordinate’s voice came from the phone. “Mr. Gregory, Mrs. Gregory has arrived at the airport with her luggage. It seems

“She wants

the terminal she’s heading to is for international

could not help frowning. ‘Louise Mitchell’s leaving and

blood useless on

no matter what.’

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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