Chapter 0478


The brightly lit mall, covered in colorful banners and flashy storefronts, was a stark change from the gentle green and blue hues of Mountainview. It wasn't a regular occurrence for us to come to the mall, but when we did, it was always fun.

I always loved browsing the sale racks, trying on funny hats, and pointing out unique displays. But today, I was just happy to be near Enzo. His hand was warm in mine as we wandered through the mall, surrounded by the buzz of Saturday shoppers.

"Let's check out that store," I suggested, nodding toward a trendy boutique. "I've been wanting to get something new,"

Enzo grinned. "As you wish."

The store smelled like vanilla and lavender, with tall racks of clothes neatly organized by color and type. My fingers brushed over soft fabrics, lingering on a few summery outfits. I eventually picked out a few things that caught my eye and headed to the fitting rooms.

And yet, as I stood before the mirror in a beautiful green dress, I found my eyes drifting to my midsection. My belly still looked a little more pronounced than usual. For a second, I felt a strange mix of insecurity and concern. I tried to push it away, blaming it on bad lighting or an unflattering angle, but the feeling persisted.

"Hey, babe, how's it going in there?" Enzo's voice broke through my internal monologue as he peeked into the fitting room.

I twirled awkwardly, watching his eyes for a reaction. "What do you think? Does it look okay?"

Enzo smiled. "It looks perfect. You should get it."

I paused, though, glancing nervously in the mirror. My hand lingered on my belly. "It's not... too tight around my stomach?"

Instantly, Enzo shot me a warning look. "You look stunning, Nina. You always do," he assured me, his eyes eamest. "And healthy, too. Don't start obsessing over your size."

shouldn't obsess," I agreed, even though something

been eating too much junk," I thought to myself.

of mall-goers, drifting from one storefront to another. We were midway


little yellow jumpsuit with matching booties. A soft, involuntary sigh escaped my lips, accompanied by a

around my

indifference. "I'm not upset;

too well for you to pull that 'just looking' nonsense on me. Is this like the 'girl talk'

his shoulder, enveloped by the comforting smell of his cologne and

well double down on it now, seeing as how I won't be around in a

his words, I playfully punched his arm. "Hey! Don't go bringing


day before-"new beginnings"-now felt even more meaningful. Yes, it didn't turn out exactly the way


we would be able to start our

light, the air rich with the scent of damp earth and fallen leaves. Lori, Jessica, and I set off on our Sunday morning hike, the conversation

your chat with Enzo go?" Lori asked, navigating a rocky stretch with practiced ease. "I'm assuming you actually

moment, measuring my words. "You're right. We did talk

of emotions I still couldn't

"You sound disappointed."

I finally admitted, feeling vulnerable beneath my friends'

"Hey, being disappointed is okay. It's a good sign, you know? At least you've got a glimpse of what you want in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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