Chapter 0489

I laughed, momentarily taken aback by her directness. "Yes, I'm married. Happily, might I add."

Mila's smile morphed into something enigmatic, a strange blend of amusement and intrigue. She tossed a lock of blonde hair over her shoulder and folded her arms across her chest. "Well, I must say, I'd be very curious to meet the woman who captured you."

Her comment stirred a blend of unease and curiosity in me. It was not the first time women had flirted with me; the combination of athleticism and the sort of 'celebrity' status that came with being a hockey player often attracted a certain level of attention.

Yet, something about Mila's tone-maybe it was its unsettling blend of sincerity and humor-made the moment linger in an uncomfortable way.

But I shook it off. "I'm sure you will get to meet her," I said. "She's the team doctor in Mountainview. Perhaps you two could get along."

Mila nodded, but there was something in her gaze that indicated that she didn't particularly like my comment. A silence fell between us as we continued watching the scrimmage. It was then, after having mentioned Nina, that a pang of guilt washed over me; I hadn't called her since last night, and I knew she wasn't feeling as well as she let on. I should have checked on her, but I got so caught up in everything that it slipped my mind.

detachment because her voice took on a softer tone. "You look like you've got a

opted for a generalized truth. "Just the future, I guess. There's a lot happening right now,


flicker in her eyes again. Not annoyance, but something else... hope, maybe? "Well," she said, "if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. That is, assuming your... wife...

mouth to respond, but before I could, I felt

slipping my phone out of

tightened. "No worries. It was nice

said, managing

I returned my attention to my phone. The screen displayed a notification for a new voicemail-from Nina. My heart tightened instinctively; she rarely ever left voicemails unless something

a quieter corner to listen to her message. Her voice filled my ears, sweet and soothing as always, but there was something in her tone that I couldn't quite place. A hesitation, maybe? "Hey,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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