Chapter 402

Child Of Mando At that, Jane took out a card and handed it to the shop assistant. “Use this.” “Thank you,” Genevieve said. “I’ll transfer the money to you later.” “It’s nothing much.” Jane smiled. “It’s quite troublesome to make transfers, so why don’t you just treat me to something nice later?” Genevieve smiled. “Sure.” After buying the clothes, Genevieve took the shopping bag from the shop assistant and left with Jane. She ignored the fact that Armand was still in the dressing room. The two then headed upstairs to the shoe section to pick out a few shoes. Time passed by too quickly. By the time they were done shopping, the sky outside the mall was already dark. Behind the mall was a square.

The two sides of the square were full of food stalls, and they were selling authentic Xedells foods. Moreover, the square was a much livelier place than the mall. Jane was not in good health, so she had to watch her diet. Most of the time, she was watching Genevieve eat. Near the end of their food trip, Jane ordered some grilled octopus snacks. The snacks were made with a variety of ingredients, such as squid and other garnishes. When Genevieve smelled it, her stomach began churning. She then quickly opened her bag and took out the cranberry from inside. However, she accidentally pulled out the bottle of folate as well, and it fell to the ground. Jane crouched down to pick it up. When her eyes scanned the label on the bottle by accident, she froze. Then, Jane handed the bottle back to Genevieve.

snacks away and brought a bottle of water back. Genevieve opened it and took a few sips. The sourness of the cranberry flowed into her stomach along with the water, and soon she felt much better. Jane could not help but ask, “Is it Mando’s?” “No,” Genevieve replied after pursing her lips. “Jack secretly came to Jadeborough to look for me a long

house, so it’s thanks to Genevieve that I got to shop quite a bit.” She then waved at the two before


said to the driver. Once the driver stopped the car, Genevieve reached out to push the car door open. “I’ll take you to the mall right now, and we’ll walk from the lowest floor to the highest floor. Let’s see how many kinds of perfume I’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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