Chapter 403

The Impressive Genevieve Rachford Xedells was close to the sea, so the weather in all four seasons was warm. However, there had been typhoons recently, so the temperature had dropped drastically. The next day was only fifty degrees Fahrenheit—it was freezing. Fortunately, Genevieve had bought a thick jacket and scarf when she shopped with Jane the day before. Hence, Genevieve put them all on before heading out with Jack after breakfast. The Faulkner family had a plot of land for their family cemetery, and that was the place where all the Faulkners were buried after death. When the car reached the Faulkner family’s cemetery, Genevieve turned to look out of the window. There were countless luxury cars outside, and some of the cars had a piece of white cloth tied to their rear view mirrors. Genevieve then came down from the car with Jack before walking up the stairs. Soon, they arrived by a grave. That was Cesar’s grave.

already carved on his gravestone. Once they were dead, they would be buried alongside him. The host and the staff members were all busy. Moreover, there were many people surrounding the grave, and they were all big shots of Xedells. They had all taken time to attend Mavis’ funeral. Many of the attendees had a piece of white cloth tied around their arms. There were old and young people among the group of attendees. Genevieve guessed that


thought that Genevieve was really impressive to have achieved that. Nevertheless, Genevieve did not feel uncomfortable upon hearing Samantha’s words. She smiled and replied, “You’re too kind.” As Samantha had to greet the guests of the funeral, she only talked with Jack for a while before leaving. When it was time for the start of the funeral, another guest arrived. The expressionless man was wearing a black suit with a piece of white cloth on his left arm. It was as if the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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