Chapter 502

This Painting Is Priceless When Armand merely stood there without paying her request any mind, Genevieve slid off his back huffily. “How petty! Is your mouth inlaid with gold? My son is far better! I can hug and kiss him to my heart’s content!” she griped. When she went abroad to make the purchases, she made a detour to Dartan. At the sight of her son’s aloof face that was very much similar to Armand’s, she hugged and caressed him at length. She took out her dejection for her failed attempts to kiss the man on him, making him so vexed that he didn’t want to bother about her anymore.

gaze darkened. He swiftly strode to the kitchen. Taking out an apple from the fridge, Genevieve followed him to the kitchen. She leaned half her body against the kitchen counter. As she munched on the apple, she studied the man’s face. “You’re so handsome when you cook, Mando! If you publish a cookbook, it’ll definitely be a bestseller! The ideal type in women’s eyes is a man like you, Mando!” Praises rang out, one after another. The more she spoke, the more intense the veins on Armand’s forehead throbbed. Finally snapping, he jerked his head over and regarded her coldly. “If you still want to eat, you’d best shut up. Otherwise, I’m not cooking anymore.” “Okay, okay.” Genevieve went silent and watched him intently. Half an hour later, a plate of steaming hot beef tacos was served. There was some extra beef, so Armand made two bowls of beef soup.

down to sit cross-legged on the floor. When a cute little boy looking at the camera blankly materialized on the projector that had been turned on earlier, she picked up the present labeled with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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