Chapter 503

She Knew How Lonely He Is Words eluded Armand, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The painting is so sloppy that it seems to be the artwork of a three or four-year-old kid who has just learned to paint. Besides, I won’t spend hundreds of millions to buy such a painting. Sweeping a gaze over the gift boxes on the floor, he discovered that one was missing. “Why isn’t there a gift for my thirty-third birthday?” Genevieve exclaimed and feigned ignorance. “Did I not prepare it?” In truth, the year he turned thirty-three years old, she got pregnant. Aren’t our two children the best gift to him? She rummaged through the gift boxes before shrugging at the man. “Perhaps I forgot. Never mind, I’ll give it to you in the future!” Leaning over, she hugged the man around the waist. “You won’t be lonely anymore in the future, Mando.

up that night, and they would be going for western food. Shortly after she had arrived at the production company, Johanna came. She shot Genevieve a plaintive glare. “You’re a horrid person, Genev! Back when we ate at Golden Restaurant, were you referring to morning sickness when you said that I’d suffer from it soon?” In the past few days, she had known what it felt like to wish for death. She felt nauseous when she woke up in the morning, bile rising up her throat at the slightest smell, and the urge to hurl gripping her whenever she ate anything. Yet, it was only bile that came out

reason.” “That’s normal. Mood swings can be rather severe during pregnancy. Johanna placed the glass down. “Genev, tonight is the Twitter Awards Ceremony. It’ll be at Rolls-Royce Headquarters, with Sylvie and Bruce in attendance. As the boss, are you going?” Irritation rose within Genevieve when Sylvie came up in conversation. “No! I’m not a celebrity anyway!” “I heard that it’ll be pretty fun. Since you’re not attending despite being invited, I’ll go in your stead.” Out of the blue, Johanna seemingly remembered something. She added, “Oh yes, I’m the one who altered the evening gown Sylvie will be wearing tonight. It’s incredibly stunning.” Then, she took out her phone. “Would you like to have a look at it?” Genevieve stared at Johanna with her face devoid of expression. “Are you deliberately hitting me where it hurts because I seem too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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