Chapter 563 

Bruce walked to the living room. Taking out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, he lit á cigarette and called Steven. “Is there no news yet?” 

Steven, who was on the other end of the call, was speechless. It‘s been only a few days since you last asked. Do you really think there will be neros so soon

He replied tactfully. “I’m already doing my best to get people to look for them.” 

Sadly, the drug rescarch institute was demolished five years ago. The employees were either dead from illnesses, or they were sent to work for the government. It was difficult to find them. 


Bruce took a puff of the cigarette and said hoarsely. “Work faster. You can tell Cooper about this matter if needed.” 

“Mr. Sutton is smart. He’ll definitely suspect you if we do that.” 

“What else can we do, then? I’m afraid she won’t remember me if this drags out more. I’m worried Mandy might forget me as well.” Bruce breathed. 

His daughter was such a cute girl, yet he had not seen her once since her birth. 

sensed the sadness in Bruce’s tone, which made the former feel a stab of pain in his

her journey home after leaving Bruce’s house, Genevieve suddenly realized what

others thought if a person

off to meet Cooper at Specter

the moment she entered his office. Seeing that, she asked concernedly, “Coop,

bit of a cold.” Cooper quietly returned the medicines into

Genevieve pulled up

Are you going to make

dismissively and said with a

“Well, here I was thinking she was a smart one. I didn’t expect her to go looking for you



Cooper snorted and dialed for his

cup of coffee.

the chair. “I hate you for accidentally killing my parents, but that’s because of Samantha. It has nothing to do with you. For the past few years, you’ve done so much for me and the company. I stopped hating you long ago. In fact, I see you

at Genevieve for a long time before finally saying, “I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. I’ll never remarry in this lifetime. If you don’t want to see me in the future, I can get Bertilla to

It’s not that I don’t want to see you. I just hope you can live a

doing quite well

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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