Chapter 564 

The next day, Genevieve went off to have lunch with Jane after settling some things in the company. 

When they were donc ordering their food, Genevieve poured some coffee for both of them. “Jane, do you have any plans tonight?” 


“Me too. Why don’t we go to Primrose River to fly some lanterns?” Genevieve took a sip of the coffee and said with a smile, “I heard that making wishes while releasing the lanterns can make them come truc.” 


Jane held her cup and said absentmindedly, “Okay.” 

Soon, the dishes were served. Genevieve ate a piece of stir-fried beef, and she frowned. It differed from the one Bruce made. 

I come to this restaurant all the time. Why didnt I find it bland in the past? Looks like Ive overestimated myself. Bruce has only made me three meals, and it has ruined my palate

Sceing Genevieve sigh, Jane lifted her head to look at the former. “What’s wrong, Genevieve?” 

“It’s nothing.” 

With every bite Genevieve took, she could not help but compare the food to Bruce’s cooking. The more she compared the dishes, the harder it was for her to eat. 

After taking a few bites of the food, she put down her utensils. 

Genevieve and Jane returned to the company, the receptionist stopped the former.

the receptionist taking out a bear-patterned lunch box, Genevieve said, “I didn’t order


then, Genevieve’s phone vibrated. It was a WhatsApp message

grilled meat and pesto pasta today. I‘ve sent someone to deliver it to your company. Hah! Who wants

get rid of it, but

had two layers. The top layer contained pieces of grilled meat wrapped in lettuce, which were neatly arranged in the container, while the bottom layer contained pesto pasta. They looked

table, Genevieve placed a piece of readily wrapped grilled

her mouth.

to perfection. With thic savoriness of thic sauce and the sweetness

munching on the food, she received another

you really misunderstood me yesterday. I wasn‘t thinking of

I dislike women. Didn‘t you notice / slayed away from Coco when she came looking for me that day?


eat. I can get someone to send it to you. By the way, I‘m going to Frosa to

by the chain of messages

that obscrvant? I didn‘t say anything yesterdaybut he still realized why I

that he was so understanding made her feel that she was being

a little odd for her to

Genevieve quickly found an excuse for herself. I was just worried Bruce might fall for his er girlfriend‘s attacks. If that happens, it‘ll ruin his career that‘s starting to

felt much better

meat, Genevieve finally replied to his text: I‘ll let you know what I want

festival at Primrose River tonight. Would you like

stared at the text for a while before replying: I‘ve invited a friend to the festival tonight.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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