Chapter 521 

Armand’s cves darkened at her words. “Therefore, you rerned and got in touch with me just for the sake of vengeance?” 


“You’re lving” le lowered his gaze to look at lier. “GencVicve, when you lie, you avert your gaze and bite your lip in rellex” 

Hie proceeded to confess, “I, too, was lying that night. Over the last four years, I have been waiting for you to return, and nary a moment passed by without me longing for you.” 


He just hadn’t had the courage to express it to her. 

After hic swallowed. Armand continued in a raspy voice, “I was worried that you would have to go soon, and I just couldn’t bear to watch you leave with another man.” 

Due to his love for her, Armand respected Genevieve and refrained from trying to win her back aggressively 

“Genevieve, you love me too, don’t you?” Closing the distance between them, he asked, “Or else, why would you have put in so much effort to prepare such a special birthday gift for me? On that fateful day, you told me that you would stay by my side for the rest of my life so that I would never be lonely again. On top of that, I recently found out that you were the girl I met in the hospital back then.” 

Raising his hand, Armand stroked Genevieve’s flawless, fair cheeks. “Genevieve, let’s not delude each other anymore.” 

shook Genevieve to the core.

expression quickly disappeared as

gaze to stare at


with others, you should be good at reading people.” Genevieve asserted, “I’m sure

had noticed the calm look in her eyes. In fact, they were so calm

she was seeking revenge, he could still sense her feelings for him behind the repressed rage

he was filled

only he had given her an honest answer when she asked him if he loved her


Chapter 521 


+10 pearls 

trembling “Genevieve, I’m sorry. Can you give me

his scent filled her senses, the hand she raised frozein mid-air.

In fact, I was

on the scene when he came to check on them. After pulling Genevieve back to his side, he threw a punchi right

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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