Chapter 520 

For a moment, Armand was stunned. Upon regaining his senses, he grabbed his phone and sprang to his feet as if he had had an epiphany. 

Watching Armand leaving. Cooper asked, “Aren’t you going to cat first?” 

“I’m not hungry.” 

Afier leaving the restaurant, Armand gave Jandacall. When he learned that Genevieve wasn’t at the production company, lic hailed a taxi and licaded to Regality Gardens. 


At that moment, both Genevieve and Jack were in the condominium. 

Jack had spent a busy morning in the study, where he informed the staff of Helt Corporation that he would be returning to Dartan the following day, 

After lunch, he suggested out of nowhere, “Genev, it’s been a long time since I heard you play the violin.” 

Realizing that telling him she was out of touch would make for a ridiculous excuse, Genevieve brought the violin out of the bedroom and tuned its strings one by one. 

“What do you want to hear?” 

“Because of You.” Jack crossed his legs while placing his arm languidly on the sofa back. 

Soon, Jack immersed himself in the light melody coming from the violin as it filled the entire living room 

With admiration shining in his beautiful grecn eyes, he watched the performance of the violinist in front of him. 

violin down, Jack stood up suddenly

you’re beautiful,” he murmured before leaning in to

covered his mouth and replied nervously, “Please give me

still couldn’t bring herself to

Jack confronted her, “Genev, I’ve already given you four years. Isn’t that enough? I’m a man, noi a monk. Given that we’re already married, intimacy shouldn’t be such a big deal. Why do you still need


being aware of Jack’s feelings for her and having lost her bet,

was lost in her thoughts, Jack pinned her


was happening, her

began to ring non-stop. Scizing the

the living room in

of her hand, she


in his eyes, she figured that nothing untoward

flccting moment, she inquired, “Is there anything I can


was looking that

descended upon her, she covered the mark with her hand and pursed her lips. “If

had barely finished speaking when she attempted to

the door with his hand to stop it. Gulping, he asked with a low voice, “What’s

mother is Charice Valentine. She’s also your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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