Chapter 519 

“I found it wien I was investigating Jack in Dartan.” Cooper explained. However, all I had was al picture back then. I couldn’t find out her name or who she was. That’s why I never showed it to you until I went to Xedells to see Samantha. It was when I saw you asking her about the picture You were holding that I learned the woman was your mother.” 

Tapping on the photo, Cooper continucal, “I don’t know hier nunc, but I found the picture in a place that lack had lived in before. When I confronteel Gonic about wlicther she married Jack for this woman’s sake, she said that she would tell me about it one day.” 

Cooper had always been known to be intelligent. 

Just by connecting the dots, he could piccc together what had happened. 


Adjusting his spectacles, he informed Armand in a grave tone, “My guess is that you and Jack might be closely related. There’s a possibility that you might even be… brothers.” 

A tremble in his hand caused Armand to drop the cigarette he was holding. “Are you kidding me?” 

Cooper snorted before sneering in reply. “Would you have imagined that I was Samantha Faulkner’s son and that we would turn out to be cousins? Anything can be possible.” 

After observing Armand for a few seconds, he added, “Upon closer inspection, you do resemble 


twitched at the words.

had randomly told him that his father had an affair that resulted in a child, he wouldn’t be

flooded him with

that moment, the phone he

minutes before ending the call and informing Cooper, “It’s from the prison. Marilyn is

asked, “How did she die?”

at dawn, she was already done for.” Armand took another puff

four years in prison? She sure got away casy.” Behind his spectacles, an icy

“Go ahead.”


years ago due to the explosion, the person you met was Genev, not

Armand froze for a long time. “What

about it from the very beginning but didn’t tell you. She had made a deal with Marilyn

she give Marilyn the ring too?” Armand

Back then, she had just suffered a miscarriage and learned that she was nothing but a tool. How would you feel if you were her? Besides, didn’t Old Mrs. Faulkner give the ring to her? Genev is giving both of you her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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