Chapter 518 

Meanwhile, Armand was unfazed when he was interrogated by the police. He answered what he knew and remained silent about matters lic liad no knowledge of. 

Soon, his lawyer arrived. 

With regards to the money laundering case and the lit-and-run accident, the respective culprits had been taken into custody. 

As for the man who committed suicide, Armand’s lawyer brought documents to prove that the former had been fired a long time ago for harming the company’s interest. Since he was no longer an employee of Central Group, the company was not obligated to pay for his medical fees. 


After further investigations, the police realized that Armand had nothing to do with the crimes and released him the day after. 

Exiting the police station together with Armand, the lawyer asked softly, “Mr. Faulkner, do you need a ride” 

Armand gently waved his hand. “Someone is picking me up.” 

Outside the police station, the lawyer saw a black Bentley parked by the street. Leaning on it was a towering man with a cigarette between his lips. 

Despite his charming looks and elegant features, he exuded an intimidating aura. 

It was none other than the head of Specter Corporation-Cooper Sutton. 

police station with the lawyer, Cooper threw his cigarette to the ground and stubbed it out with his leather shoe. “Mr. Faulkner, I suppose they didn’t use the opportunity to wallop you since your face looks

a casual smile. “It’s not that bad. In

banter, Cooper got into the driver’s seat and drove them out of the police

claws reach Jadeborough in just a

his public relations team to divert the attention away from

effort was futile since someone was makin sure Central Group stayed

though Central Group held a significant stake in Twitter, the latter didn’t

Lebon?” Cooper threw Armand a glance from the corner of his eye. “By selling off his stakes, has he emptied the company

were unfolding, the company’s



voice steady. “Don’t you know that his wife is Old Mr. Zeigler’s cldest granddaughter?”

brake at his words.

years younger than liim and comes from a powerful family. However, I didn’t realize she’s Old Mr. Zeigler’s granddaughter…”

by Armand’s side, would abandon the latter

at Golden Restaurant, Cooper and Armand

left, Cooper poured himself a cup of coffee.

she’ll let you go now that Old Mr. Zeigler is her granddad. Once you’re

guts.” Armand picked out a cigarette from the pack on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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