Chapter 517 

A few days latct, a piece of Shocking CWS1ude wars On Twitter 

An established media outlet had exposed a money laundering scandal involving a member of Central Group’s senior management. Sulisequently, another member was involved in a hit-and Tunktident while driving under the influence of alcohol 

ilicethat their w 

omething off about Central Group’s 


1’u1thout an otheit auctors mantalitha 

Due to the consecutive waves of negative publicity, Central Group remained the top trending top on Twitch and in the headlines of all major news websites, causing its stock price to decline so rapidly that it triggered the limit-down suspension a couple of times. 

As one of the top conglomerates in the country, Central Group’s public relations team was made up of the elite within the industry. In spite of that, they still failed to stem the avalanche of controversies related to the company. 

Consequently, many netizens speculated that there was someone powerful out to get Central 


Kcalizing that something was amiss, Landon, Central Group’s biggest sharcholder, sold off his holdings in the company’s stock and withdrew billions from the company. 

On the sixth day, a man who claimed to be a former employee of Central Group was standing at the edge of the rooftop at Central Group Tower. 

complained to a bunch of reporters that he had cancer,

losing a couple of lawsuits he initiated, he ended up

story, he jumped off

scandals. Even the police quickly sought out Armand and brought

a grim expression descended upon her

sheep; it was just that their conduct was usually covered up and not revealed to

to be flooded with so many scandals, to the extent the public relations department was lielpless to stop them.

are you looking at?” Jack sat down beside Genevieve and wrapped his arm around

related to Central Group, causing him to

for him. “It’s just

asked Jack, “Didn’t you say that Sylvie

Jack replied languidly, “Whicul intcrvicwed licr for my new movie four vcars ago, it was stated in lice lile that she was an orphan.llowever, I don’t know her well and don’t care if she’s an


to fall into cep

the other way, she had mentioned thc Zcigler family of Baykcep. Flowever. despite all her clots, Genevieve couldn’t

was discussing Sylvic’s buy-out of her contract from Genevieve Orsi

the Zeigler family from

himself during the war and was subsequently appointed as the commander of Baykeep. As a result, his influence in the army couldn’t be overlooked. As for his wife, she was a diplomat who was proficient in thirteen languages.

three sons, the eldest was now the commander of Baykeep, the second was a party secretary, and the third worked for the nation’s Aviation

three of them brought glory to the family.

a young age, and Sylvie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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