Gabriel nodded approvingly at Esther. “Well done. By the way, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

“What is it?”

“Follow me.”

He led Esther into a conference room, contemplating how they used to believe protecting her involved sheltering her, like a delicate flower shielded from life’s hardships.

Now, Gabriel was no longer shackled to such an approach. He hoped Esther could carve her own path.

“Esther, you’ve probably heard some details from Logan. Currently, there’s an opportunity. If you pass the assessment, you can be directly recruited as Logan’s official partner. Would you like that?”

Without hesitation, Esther said, “Yes.”


He knew that if Esther didn’t choose such a perilous profession, she could

her gaze


assured, I’ll

Standing in the doorway, he said, “Esther, I need them restored to

“Okay, I forgot…”

to the

With a few taps and pinches of her delicate hands, the men instantly transformed into people who could now speak, write, and move

what kind of trick did your

was pride in Logan’s tone that he himself didn’t realize.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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