Chapter 157

Struggling to keep the nosebleed at bay, Bradley found himself unable to stop it. His reflection in the mirror showed the distressing sight of blood trickling from his nose.

Esther noticed his condition and rushed to his side, abandoning her task of changing clothes. She anxiously tried to wipe away the blood, unintentionally captivating Bradley with her allure, causing his nosebleed to worsen.

Brushing Esther aside, Bradley hurriedly made his way to the bathroom. Seeking relief, he splashed cold water on his face, attempting to regain composure. As he gazed at his reflection, he saw a restless soul, a lone wolf filled with dissatisfaction and inner turmoil.

Taking a seat on the toilet, he reached for his phone and messaged a friend overseas.

Bradley: [When will you be returning to the country?]

Kevin: [?]

Bradley: [! need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.]

Kevin: [Why?]

and I’ve had two nosebleeds. I suspect it might be a heart condition or

Kevin: […]

be attributed to infatuation. But you,

a normal physiological reaction for a man. However… it seems like you’ve

week. I’ll arrange a full-body check-up for you

responded with a curt

ago, Esther had unknowingly given him something he should never have consumed, leading

He felt a deep disgust toward the female body and avoided any form of closeness with women. Living like

he couldn’t share with anyone. Besides Kevin, he didn’t

his only child in this lifetime. Who could have anticipated that he also had twin daughters, Tinkerbell and Pixie?

of it all ignited a surge of

tapped gently outside the bathroom door and

bathroom door, his face dark and ruthless. He pulled her inside, dorninating her against the

Confronted with this version of Bradley, she stammered, “You… What’s gotten into you?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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