Chapter 158

Esther’s audacity took aback Bradley. He roughly pushed her away, gripping her arm with disgust, and tossed her into the water-filled bathtub. “Now, are you calm?”

In the mirror, Bradley caught a glimpse of his slightly warm lips from Esther’s boldness. Without saying a word, he left.

Esther sat in the bathtub, watching Bradley’s determined departure. She felt a sense of daze overcome her. The sparkle in her eyes vanished, replaced by numbness and emptiness.

Putting on his clothes, Bradley headed straight to a private club. The manager, surprised to see him, asked, “Mr. Warner-”

“Give me a private room. Get a few girls, innocent and pure.”

“Of course,” replied the manager.

Seated on a red velvet sofa, Bradley exuded elegance and mystery, his face illuminated by the colorful lights. He held a crystal glass delicately, appearing cold and aloof.

and tall girls into the private room.


he realized he had feelings for Esther in the bathroom. He had feelings for the very person who had brought

How absurd!


confirm whether he had recovered or

to provoke Bradley, the manager signaled the girls before

mixture of cheap and repulsive fragrances, causing him to feel

expression, one of the girls boldly reached out to touch his fingers,

other than Esther. He shouted furiously, “Get

quickly fled the room, their faces pale with

velvet sofa, Bradley sent another message to Kevin.

[I have feelings for

just standing there? Go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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