Chapter 181

“I approve your resignation, but please take care of her for the time being,” Bradley said, considering various candidates in his mind and realizing that he could trust Esther only to Xara in the end. “The bodyguards are stationed outside the door. If you need anything, you can inform them.”

Xara glanced at Esther, who was in a similar state, and silently nodded, biting her lip.

Once Bradley had made the arrangements for Esther, he called the hospital’s director to request Liliane’s medical records. He also wanted to personally meet Wilson, the one who had attempted murder in the name of medicine.

Liliane’s digital medical records and previous examination reports landed in Bradley’s hands. Due to the specialized nature of the information, he could only pass these documents to Scott and ask him to carefully review all the details.

Meanwhile, Wilson had been arrested!

Leah was in a state of panic. She dreaded the possibility of Wilson revealing the truth that Liliane had never been pregnant. What would their fate be if Bradley discovered that they had been deceiving him for five years?

own wife. He wouldn’t let them off easily

lying on the hospital bed and contemplated the worst- case scenarios. She thought they might have to leave the country if things didn’t work out. Leah grabbed her phone and headed to the downstairs garden. “Shane,

hearing Leah’s voice, Shane’s tone turned slightly tense as

he was arrested!”

grew deeper as he inquired hoarsely, “What happened?”

he was taken away from the operating room. And to make matters worse, Bradley took that woman, Esther, with him.

Liliane’s life is hanging by a thread, and Bradley hasn’t made it clear if he intends to marry her. If he finds out Liliane never gave birth, I

expected Bradley to be so fixated on Esther. He couldn’t help but feel a throbbing headache and rubbed his

Leah in

about now is…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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