Chapter 182

Shane should have dug Esther’s heart and transplanted it to his daughter straightaway back when Esther was in the prison hospital giving birth.

‘It is fine. We can take it slow.’

Shane would eventually get Esther’s heart for his daughter.

The news of Wilson performing live heart extractions quickly spread throughout the hospital, causing panic among some patients who feared they might have been subjected to unethical practices during their hospital stay. Requests for discharge flooded in as patients sought to escape any potential harm.

The hospital administration was deeply troubled by the scandal, as it had severely damaged their reputation and would undoubtedly lead to numerous inquiries from concerned patients. The entire hospital was enveloped in an atmosphere of unease and uncertainty.

The hospital administration desperately hoped that Bradley would not pursue the matter further, and they were willing to comply with any demands he had.

center, where the undeniable evidence of Wilson’s crimes awaited him.

the interrogation, Wilson did not attempt to deny his actions and readily

room and sat, his eyes fixed on

target my wife for her heart?” Bradley questioned, his tone filled with a mix

met Bradley’s gaze with a mocking smile.

forcefully kicked Wilson’s shin, momentarily silencing

law has not declared her a murderer, so how dare you make such accusations?” Bradley demanded,

didn’t you yourself claim she was a murderer? Didn’t you personally ensure her imprisonment? Isn’t that right? Why

remained defiant and haughty, continuing his tirade. Mr. Warner, you should know that even if I committed a crime, it would only be


boldly declaring, “Mr. Warner, unless you keep Esther by your side at all times, her heart will

eventually be mine!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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