Chapter 184

“Wilson, when you pursued me back then, it was to salvage decades of hard work.

“When you were young, your goals were success and fame, but as you grew older, you wanted to rekindle an old flame.

“I didn’t mention, ask, or talk about it, not because I’m naive, but because I pretended to be oblivious for the sake of giving our son a complete family!”

Sarah looked at her son and calmly said, “Take a good look. This is your father. He’s the one who has put you in such a miserable situation for the sake of reuniting with his young love.” “What are you talking about Wilson panicked. Despite his wrongdoing, he still wanted to be respected and admired by his son.

“You can do it, but I can’t say anything?” With sorrow and anger, Sarah asked, “When you broke the law for that woman, did you think about your son? Did you think about what he would go through at school when the truth came out? He would be isolated, mocked, and even bullied! Since you never thought about us, mother and son, I’ve come here today to tell you that we should get a divorce!”

Wilson and Tom were stunned.

“Mom, why do you want a divorce?” asked Tom.

Sarah sneered and said, “I don’t need a cheating husband.”

had the intention, but he never took

at Tom coldly and asked indifferently, “So, what’s your



realized his mistake. Why do you want a divorce?”

son all the evidence she had collected. “Take a good

“Cheating, embezzling…”

always been a very good father figure in front of his son, and he never expected

image?” Wilson whispered, his voice filled with disbelief. Sarah took the phone from her son’s hand and said coldly,

How will you take care of him after

you. We’re

with my own hands

a long time,

social media account had also been exposed, and he knew that if he did not leave, he would only be

you? When you no longer have any use, will she still treat you kindly?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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