Chapter 185

Leah checked the news link sent to her phone, quickly glancing at the content. She used the excuse of Liliane needing rest to take away her daughter’s phone and tablet, not wanting to be seen as promiscuous in her eyes.

At the same time, Leah felt relieved that she had kept Wilson on the hook. Otherwise, she could have been the woman in those pictures today.

However, she knew they couldn’t continue staying in the hospital. After some thought, she decided to call Bradley immediately. “Mr. Warner, it’s not suitable for Liliane to stay here with her current condition. Can you help coordinate her transfer to your hospital?”

Unaware that Bradley already knew about Liliane’s congenital heart disease, Leah had a sudden idea to use the current Internet talk to force Bradley into marriage.

“I’ll arrange it,” Bradley replied.

After hanging up, Bradley went straight to Scott’s ward. Despite his injuries, Scott was still busy handling other tasks in the hospital.

“Everyone else can leave,” Scott instructed as soon as he saw Bradley enter.

“Liliane will be transferred here. Don’t let her know that I already know about her congenital heart disease. Also, when you have the chance to examine her, check if she’s given birth. Once she’s transferred here, we, along with Felix, will undergo a DNA test. I want you to oversee it personally.”

Warner,” Scott replied in a low

expression softened as he said,

Scott’s ward, Bradley headed to Esther’s room. Xara had conducted a comprehensive examination of Esther.

results from

it aside. He thanked

said, eager to pack up and be ready to leave at any time.

bedside, looking at her serene and angelic face. His brows slightly furrowed, and his incredibly handsome face exuded

in love

‘Hah… impossible.’

anyone to tarnish his

didn’t divorce him, she represented a part

or insulting Bradley, what was the

gaze, Esther

and cold glint

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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