Chapter 200

If Esther’s mother were still alive, all the storms in the world would not pour on her because her mother would stand in front of her.

“Esther, if you’re worried about these things, you can remain anonymous. Just send me your completed design drafts, and I’ll handle the operation. Besides, as designers, mystery is also a kind of charm. How about I try these modified design drafts of yours during my solo exhibition this time?”

Esther repeatedly declined, saying, “No, these are your designs.”

“No, they’re our designs,” Anna insisted.

Anna scanned all the sketches into the computer and saved them as digital files.

“Esther, you must see with your own eyes how popular your design drafts are in the exhibition…”

thought, if

give it a

Esther’s phone

the caller ID on the screen and immediately answered, asking softly, “Hello, I’m

into a fight with another kid at school

anxiously asked, “Is Felix

other child is quite hurt.”

injured, Esther felt less worried

my son had a little incident at kindergarten, and I need to go there now.

and said, “I’ll send

I’ll take a

the cab, standing at the entrance of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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