Chapter 201

Upon seeing Esther, who possessed an air of beauty, height, and leanness, Megan Immediately looked down upon her

In Megan’s mind, Esther was an unfamiliar face in high society gatherings, suggesting she couldn’t be an important figure Megan even perceived her as someone who was kept as a pet. canary by some men

“So you’re this brat’s ”

Felix appeared as if he were about to charge at Megan, but Esther held him back “Felix, remember, don’t argue with idiots. You’ll lose your grace.

Esther settled down on the genuine leather sofa with Felix cradled in her arms. She cast a cold gaze upon Megan and her son

Before arriving, Esther had reviewed the surveillance footage She had clearly witnessed the entire sequence of events, where Megan’s chubby son bullied Felix Esther felt relieved that despite Felix not having attended school before, he wasn’t the type to be bullied without standing up for himself. He fearlessly tought back

was this boy who took my son’s pen. My son requested its return, but he refused and even pushed my son In a way, my

you’re talking nonsense. With our family’s ten houses, five cars, and

wicked glimmer in Esther’s beautiful eyes as

my son! We won’t ask for medical fees. You won’t be able to afford them, given how

nor Felix wore brand-new seasonal clothing or prominent brand logos. Both were adorned in custom-made, high-quality attire not publicly available from any brand. The pair of

spoke slowly, emphasizing each word. “Taking something without permission is considered stealing. As an educational institution, your prestigious

Megan’s face flushed with

retrieved her phone and handed the teacher a photo of the pen, casually stating, “This pen was a gift for Felix when he started school. It’s a limited edition, one-of-a-kind, made of platinum and adorned with rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds. It features 840 diamonds totaling over 20 carats.”

such a pen before, Megan promptly denied its existence, exclaiming, “That’s impossible! Don’t try to deceive me with some street stall

and placed it on the table before Megan. “The purchase receipt and the

not the one at fault, and he didn’t need to apologize.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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