Third person's POV

"Catherine, will you stay for a bit longer? You are Blake's fiancee after all. I won't be afraid of her with you by my side." Jessica pulled Catherine's arm.

Catherine pulled a wry face.

"Alright, let's go inside. Let me take a look at that woman!" Catherine patted Jessica on the shoulder with sympathy, and also tried to comfort her.

Lillian was already here to challenge Jessica. She should fight back and not back off.

"Don't defeat yourself. Chin up. Be confident!" Catherine encouraged Jessica with a smile.

The two of them returned to the private room. Then, they heard a woman's loud laughter.

"It's her!" Jessica winked at Catherine.

Catherine looked over and was a little stunned. Lillian was around 1.7 meters tall and had a slender and exquisite figure. She had the look that most men would prefer.

Lillian had an attractive face, and her slender, ice-blue dress made her look even more ladylike.

A woman like her would make most women feel less confident.

Even Catherine began to hope that it would be best to prevent Blake from seeing Lillian, or she would be jealous.

As Catherine was lost in her thoughts, Lillian took a glass of wine and walked towards them.

tense like a kitten. She grabbed Catherine's arm

with her clear eyes. Lillian's height advantage was already enough to wipe

about who Catherine was. She had just returned from abroad and did not

that Catherine was just one of Jessica's friends. Both Catherine and Jessica were young, which made Lillian feel a little

You can pick a gift you like from any of my brands." Lillian took out a blue business card from her handbag and passed

gawked at the business card. She didn't expect that Lillian would use such a way to

Catherine nudged Jessica.

had no idea whether she should take Lillian's

of her wits at this moment. She sighed in silence, wondering how Jessica had ever managed to become an actress in the first place. For now, all Jessica had to do was play along with Lillian and not

for now. I wonder what the brands are. Will you tell me

and she proudly introduced the brands

brands, but she must take Jessica's side. So she said indifferently, "I'm afraid I don't know any of the brands that you mentioned. Jessica is my friend, and

elegant face darkened

already international brands.

be a coward. She imitated Catherine's indifferent tone and said, "Ms. Watson, I don't think you know who she is yet. There is no way she

who started to fight back.

sized Catherine up. Catherine was wearing common luxury, she raised her

was about to speak, but Leo's indifferent voice came from behind Lillian. "Lillian, do you have a problem with

around and saw Leo. She

of displeasure when he looked at Lillian. "It's Jessica's birthday party. Why are you here? You are not her

in shock, her eyes filled

name, but she had never met her in person. Therefore, she regarded Catherine as a mere nobody,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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