Third person's POV

Since Jessica was no longer in a pickle, Catherine was prepared to leave. She said to Leo, "I'm leaving now. Have fun!"

"Alright!" Leo wanted Catherine to stay longer, but he dared not to say it.

Catherine said bye to Jessica and left.

Catherine drove home. The lights in the parlor were dimmed. She tiptoed upstairs, cracked the door of Noah's room, and heard Blake whispering bedtime stories to the children. For an instant, Catherine was stunned and somehow felt warm inside.

Blake raised his head. His eyes met Catherine's as she leaned against the door.


"Mommy, didn't you go to a birthday party? You're back so early!"

"Is it because you miss us so much?" Hedwig asked with a smile.

Noah pursed his lips. "I think she missed daddy!"

"It's late. Why are you still up? Don't pester daddy all the time. He has a lot of work during the day and is very busy." Catherine lectured the kids with a serious face.

"Mommy, daddy wanted to read bedtime stories to us. We didn't ask him!" Hedwig complained.

Blake kissed Hedwig on the head. "Hedwig, go to sleep with Mommy. You still have school tomorrow."

"No! I want daddy tonight!" Hedwig lay in Blake's arms, stretched out her hands, and hugged him tightly. "Mommy, can I switch with Noah tonight? I want to be with daddy."

Blake seemed happy with Hedwig's request. He reached out and hugged her. "OK. You'll stay in daddy's room tonight. Noah will go with mommy!"

and put on

and went

around ten o'clock,

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. She

phone. It was

He texted two words.

"The study!"

quickly covered her mouth, trying


looked back at Noah. She was relieved that

door and saw

Blake was already in

She walked over quickly.

door was opened. Blake caught her face and pressed his

the sofa. Suddenly, someone knocked on

scalp went numb. Blake calmed down as

you in

through the door and shocked

much as she could. "I'm going to hide.

"It's fine..."

to the bookshelf and hid behind

his robe and went

it's so late. Why are you here?" Blake

entered the door and sat down on the sofa. Her breathing was a little rapid as she said, "I just remembered

catch up with your breath first. Why were you in such

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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