Catherine's POV

After I left the study, I searched the room again for the necklace. I even lay on my stomach and looked under the bed carefully.

But I still couldn't find the necklace. It just vanished. Was it really the maid who stole it?

The royal pack had always been strict with the servants. How could a thief blend into the villa?

I was very upset. I had a glimmer of hope when I heard Patricia say that she had an impression of the necklace.

But what should I do now?

I couldn't tell Patricia what the necklace looked like just by describing it.

I was restless, then I thought of my phone. I quickly found it and turned it on.

I checked through the photos in it. As I found the photos that I was looking for, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I almost forgot that I had the photos of the necklace on my phone. I could show them to Patricia tomorrow.

The next morning, clouds obscured the sun and shrouded the city in gloom.

I got up early because I knew that Patricia would come to the lakeside villa early.

I got changed and walked out of my room. Then, I saw Blake leaning against the wall in the corridor and had not changed his clothes yet. He was still in his grey nightgown and had a cigarette in his hand. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

He looked at me and then continued to take a drag on his cigarette.

He looked concerned, so I walked over and asked, "Why are you up so early and smoking? Did something happen?"

too. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I woke up early. But you look worried. Is

Cathy. But

for a moment when I heard Blake's

nod when Patricia's voice came from the stairs. "Cathy, is that you? Are you

"Let's talk later. There is something important

Blake suddenly grabbed

smiled. "Come on. It won't

Patricia. She wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and stood at the head of the

your necklace

wanted to help me find my biological parents, and I was

you still have

know where it is. Dowen suspected that it was stolen

valuable things in

are right. I think so, too. But Dowen said that the maid

recruiting servants. Besides, the servants on duty are all

might think that I was


a feeling that Patricia suspected that I had deliberately lost the obsidian pendant. So, I told her about the

it felt strange since I was the one who lost the

took out my phone and found the photos. Then, I

looked at my face for a while, and then she

looked stunned as she saw the two photos of the necklace. She pushed her glasses

stumbled a little, raised her head, and looked

her with expectations, "Patricia, have you seen it


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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