We walked around the front yard. Finally, Aurelia chose to hang the lantern on the lamp at the front door. The weak orange-yellow light wasn't very eyecatching in the night, but it was more than enough to make Aurelia jump up and down in excitement.

"It will look much better when all the lanterns have been hung up." The end of the year was just around the corner. Looking back, I haven't celebrated new years with Hendrix for seven whole years. I was with him and the children, who were running around us.

It took me a long time to realize why I was captivated by a lantern. It was like a small but bright light of hope that carried the hopes and dreams of people.

Aurelia ran back into the house excitedly, looking forward to night time when it was darker. The lanterns lit up the entire villa. "Mommy, come quick! I want to finish up the other lanterns and hang them up! They're going to look so beautiful!"

I smiled fondly at her and followed her back into the house. This moment felt like a dream for me.

When we returned to the living room, we saw a few lanterns that were already completed laid out on the sofa. Anne was almost done with another one.

I looked at Wynn and Neal. They seemed very relaxed and laid back now.

"These two little boys..." They had to satisfy Aurelia's desire to win, but they weren't willing to admit defeat either. Both of them were holding on to their strong egos.

Aurelia, however, didn't care about these things at all. She plunged herself directly into the pile of lantern parts. Frowning, she prepared to make the next one with a serious look on her face. "Honey," Hendrix shouted from the dining room. "Dinner's ready."

"Okay," I answered. I then turned to call the children over. "Children, go wash your hands and get ready for dinner. We'll continue after dinner."

"Wait mommy. I'm not hungry yet. I'll eat after I'm done!"

She was the only one focused on making lanterns. Wynn and Neal had already put down their lanterns and got up to wait for her.

going to make them wait for you?" I pretended to be angry as I

since you're not hungry, Wynn and Neal will just have to share the dessert that

then ran into the bathroom. "I'll go wash

whether to laugh

at the dining table. He

that?" I

you already know?" Hendrix teased with

dessert and smacked my lips. Having no appetite, I covered it with it's

eyebrows and

a big eater himself. The children were still thinking about the lanterns.

dinner, the children

lanterns. Anne and I were feeling pretty tired. I went to take a shower

walked into the bedroom and spotted a familiarlooking dessert on the dressing table. Hendrix walked out of the cloakroom in his pajamas and sat down on the chair. He then

with a towel on my head and sat down. "Do you mind helping me put on

up a mouthful to his lips. After making sure it was cool

on the spoon. Immediately, a warm feeling welled up in my stomach.

wasn't too sweet, it tasted just right. I couldn't get enough of

He then held my hand and passed me the spoon. "Eat


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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