Hendrix thought he had hid it well. He didn't know that he had already been found out.

We have settled several things by now. What was eating at him in his heart to cause him so much distress?

When I spotted him putting on his coat, I quickly cleaned myself up lightly and followed along with him.

When we walked towards the stairs, I saw the officer that Minnie mentioned earlier. The man was tall in his uniform and looked very heroic. Just taking one look at him, showed how patriotic he was to his country.

There were two other soldiers standing at the door. They must be his guards. He seemed to be quite a powerful man.

Hendrix reached the last step and said, "Sorry to have kept you waiting."

The officer stood up and politely shook hands with Hendrix as we approached. "Hello, Mr. Roberts."

He then nodded at me politely in greeting.

his legs and got straight to the point. "I wonder what brings an

pocket of his jacket, took out a black folder and handed it to us. "These are my certificates. I'm the commander of the Fourth Special Operations Brigade of the Eighth Military Region. I am mainly in charge

the documents from his hand, opened them and glanced at each of them. He then handed them back

of a tough man.

seemed very familiar. Did I bump into him

seriously, "According to the information we have, Lucas and Quinn have been coming in and out of

with them. You have all been under our surveillance by the military from the moment you first met them." Hendrix looked downwards and thought about

thick eyebrows and asked, "How

jumped into any conclusions nor assumed that

wasn't hiding the truth from him. "We all know what we should do. Mr. Zimmer, you can be

got to the point. "In this case, Mr. Roberts, you probably already know the purpose of this meeting. Will you give me

with a group

who burned,

of crimes.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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