I repeated, "Mr. Zimmer, I believe you're here because you've been keeping an eye on Quinn and the others for some time. You should know by now that the two of us have only begun interacting in the past few days. Before this, the Roberts Group had no intention of interacting with either Quinn and Lucas. Same goes for the entirety of the Skull Organization. There's even less of a chance that we'll ever cross that line."

It wasn't very long since Quinn and Lucas had arrived in Jarold City. Even if they wanted to do anything illegal, they wouldn't have the time to do so. So, it wasn't difficult to conclude that Cyrus had come here not because of their evidence, but to prevent any unnecessary trouble, or perhaps to cooperate with the Mesville police.

In short, we haven't done anything wrong. So, we had nothing to fear if anything happened, and we wouldn't stand for being slandered.

The fact that he was able to be a commander in the army also meant that he knew how to analyze the situation. After hearing me say this, Cyrus' began to relax.

He was silent for a moment as though he was thinking about how to explain the seriousness of the situation to us and whether he was making the right decision to do so.

He had underestimated the capability of businessmen and of the people. When it came to unknown threats, we would be extra cautious and fearful of losing something we loved.

Hendrix was much too angry. I went ahead and continued to speak with him. I continued to clear up any other misunderstandings. "Mr. Zimmer, although our business is large, we are just ordinary people. No ordinary person would give up living an ordinary life to commit these crimes just to put himself, and his family in danger every single day of their lives. Am I right?"

"It's obvious how hard my husband has been working. If I were the commander of the army, I wouldn't have come to question him until I had fully understood the situation. I would instead think of ways to ensure his safety. He is an excellent entrepreneur and pays billions in taxes to the country every year. Especially now that he's been targeted by foreigners."

understood me. After being in a daze for a while, he apologized solemnly, "It's true that we hadn't considered

a moment, he asked, "Mrs. Roberts, are you saying you want us to


point. It was better than not having the military supporting us. I nodded happily and confirmed this.

very well



Based contributions to the country,


However, according to our regulations, I have to put in a request for this. As long as you

of stubborn men. I didn't expect Cyrus to be so friendly

hand away, stood up and left. "I have something

arm and stood up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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