I stood there and didn't know where to go.

The sound of high heels walking on the floor could be heard in the hallway. Freya rushed over with small steps. She looked at the operating room with its door wide open and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Are you all right?"

I couldn't help but hold her and cry out. "Aaron's right hand is broken and it will never recover! It's all my fault!"

Perhaps people would only realize how useless they were when they saw their loved ones and humiliated.

Aside from feelings, what made people helpless was the natural cycle of life. I couldn't give him feelings, yet he lost a hand for me. I had lost my ground.

When I saw Hendrix, I had never felt so disappointed or angry at him. I stopped crying and did not even want to see him. "What are you doing here?"

Before he could answer, I spoke again, "To laugh at us on Jordan's behalf? You have achieved your goal. You can leave now."

I'd tried countless times to pull him back from the

Devil's side, but now, I had pushed him away. How could I feel good?

choice. I couldn't stand Hendrix treating me coldly like

hated everyone, including myself. It was like the whole world was

parted his thin lips.

I was emotional, any minor details would be magnified infinitely. His words deeply provoked me. I did not hesitate to scold him, "Do you mean that Aaron deserves it?" Hendrix kept his lips tightly shut and did not reply. Freya,

I suddenly felt desperate. No one could understand how much I was suffering. I couldn't use the most vicious words in the world on Hendrix, nor could I

to Jordan completely,

Freya didn't seem to be able

the other looked sympathetic. It made

it." I deflated and took a step back. I looked up at Hendrix with my red eyes and said, "You said that Aaron was

pasted on his. "You still like to do things on your own after so many years. You

corridor was filled with the echoes of my voice, but he did not move an inch. He kept his eyes down and was as calm as ever. "You are

for the

accept it or not, Jordan's warning is clear. Tell your family not to try to hit a stone with an egg. Otherwise, even if

being a stranger, I couldn't find any other words to describe Hendrix at

words to get rid of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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