In the morning, complications from the operation caused Aaron's body temperature to rise. The whole ward buzzed with activity. All kinds of methods were used in an attempt to lower his body temperature. Finally, an injection successfully stabilized Aaron's condition.

Looking at Aaron lying on the bed so calmly, it felt like a big stone suddenly weighed down my heart. It was so heavy that I couldn't breathe. After confirming that he was sleeping well, I went out for a break.

The hospital was quiet and eerie in the early morning. Several patients' families came and went from the inpatient ward. Their faces were the same as mine. They were either worried or tired and numb. Compared with the noisy ordinary ward, this place was less fretful.

Hence, even when passing by, the news in the hall could be heard word for word.

"Today, there are many cases of children missing or kidnapped in the city. At present, the police are doing their best to apprehend the suspects. Please contact the special investigations team if you have any relevant information..."

The safety of the city was crumbling, not to mention our little family.

Perhaps the only fortunate thing was that no matter what Hendrix had planned, he had no intention of taking risks with the children. Otherwise, the first person Jordan would deal with was Aurelia and the others, not Aaron.

That son of a b*tch must have known that it was necessary to strike at one's weak point. On the surface, he wanted to take revenge for Aaron's punch. But in fact, he wanted to break down my mental barriers. Once a person had a mental breakdown, they could be easily manipulated. Jordan wanted me and was repeating the process of him capturing Hendrix.

I couldn't help but sigh. Was Hendrix being

room, now that I thought about it, Hendrix could have stayed away. But

for me to be careful. Only by wearing a cold and ruthless mask could he not

subconsciously walked back. A second before I turned around, I saw

his back, I was flustered for a while before I remembered that Matthew was arranged to

Could it be that...

up and saw him leave using the stairs.

the case. He left after simply

speech, the mastermind would not be affected at all. Only the thug would

soon as the police left,

Peared at the

of the


which made him look like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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