Chapter 1070

At Baroque’s headquarters, Lauren and Harrison were having tea with the general managers of various departments in the chairman’s

office. Everyone present had been with the company for over 20 years, making them veteran figures.

“We received another order worth 3.5 billion dollars from Sagen. I suggest allocating some of it to the branch offices!” The first to speak was Seamus Chezk, the general manager of the Business


Despite being 55 years old, he exuded vitality. He had a pair of sharp eyes that held more authority than even the chairman, Harrison.

Jalen, the general manager of the Production Department, frowned and glanced at Seamus coldly. “The branch offices only have a little over 400 employees and are lacking in technical personnel. They’re facing even more terrifying backlogs of orders than we are here.

“Hera, that girl, is still young. Her workload is no lighter than ours!”

He lifted the teacup from the table, took a sip to wet his throat, and

casually added, “Mr. Chezk, are you not familiar with the saying that

greed leads to the swallowing of the snake by the elephant?”

It was obvious he was blaming Seamus for taking on too many


that, but the chairmen of those companies had personally come over, and these are

could I

also helpless. If it were just some small businesses

could have perhaps found an excuse to decline them. However, these were all medium to large enterprises with assets

them, let alone a small general manager like

head with a bitter smile. He was not targeting Seamus. They had worked

and Seamus had been worried sick,

Harrison and Lauren, “Madam, if

Innovate Collective missing out on the cooperation with Universal Group, there should be

changed instantly. “They’re our archenemy. They’ve been suppressing our company for years.

work with them.”

important thing, which was that Innovate Collective

Harrison this morning.

cigarette and took a

speaking, “If we continue like this, Baroque will inevitably be overwhelmed.

production lines infinitely.”

of renting space and hiring employees

equipment was extremely expensive, especially since most of the orders received required 12nm chips. Previously, Baroque had a


from enough. Not only that, it did

in the ashtray and turned to Lauren. “With our company’s current qualifications, how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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