Chapter 1071

Harrison bounded off the couch and onto his feet.

He wanted to speak, but he felt like something was stuck in his throat.

After he and his brother let go of their old grudges, he dove headfirst into company affairs and kept himself busy. The two families were

rarely in contact.

He had never imagined Helena would sell Rococo Technology after hearing that Baroque Electronics was struggling to keep afloat just so

that she could help them out.

Rococo Technology was part of his father’s pride and joy as well!

His brother had once sworn that no matter what happened, he would never give up on Rococo Technology.

“Kai here, Uncle Harrison. I’ll contribute 300 million dollars as well. I’ take Helena and my father-in-law with me to manage a company that’s located overseas. We earned this sum of money by ourselves, and not a single penny came from my father.

“You can use it however you wish, no pressure!”

Kai’s voice rang out from the other end of the line.

“You guys… Gosh… I don’t even know how to thank you!”

Tears brimmed in Harrison’s eyes.

One billion dollars was the best sort of timely help that could be given

to Baroque at this moment.

enough, it could at least help them deal with their most

not bother trying to put on an act and readily accepted

the money.

ended the call after

that had been long lost

listened to the

he had received a text message from his daughter when he sat

and fell to the

“Mr. Harrison!”


faces as

as his face turned pale.

in Lauren’s eyes as she asked,

had been so hectic recently.

a month since they last visited

and Nash.

was giving up

hurriedly shook his head. His chest felt like a massive

on top of it, and he could not form even a

[Nash has acquired

Innovate Collective.

a massive chip manufacturing company with 2,000


the total number in

branch offices.

Nash had acquired them?

what’s going on? Say something!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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