My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 54 Freya Has No Way to Survive

Finn seemed to be thinking for a while, "It's better to bury the corpse, that way it's safer, we find a hidden place, no one can find her!"

Freya's body could not control the trembling. In darkness, she felt extra uneasy, could it be that tonight, she could not escape the fate of being raped and got killed?


She still had to see her two kids grow up, and she could never be destroyed by the hands of these men!

Freya struggled hard, she slowly moved her body, she really wanted a miracle to happen, she hit the trunk hard enough to break it open, but the trunk was too strong, she hit herself so hard that she was dizzy, but the boot was still intact.

Her stomach was hurting more and more, and Freya bit her lip to prevent herself from passing out.

She was afraid that if she lost consciousness, she would never open her eyes again.

She didn't know how long the van had been driving, but when she got out of the sack, she found that the van was parked in the middle of a small, dark forest.

This place, with no village in front and no shop in the back, was perfect for killing and dumping a body or something.

Tom grinned and smiled hideously at Freya, his teeth were particularly white and looked extraordinarily creepy in the hazy moonlight.

"Chick, tonight, you still fall into our hands."

"Yeah, tonight, you won't be able to escape! Even if you die, we won't let you go!" Jimmy wiped his nose and looked fierce.

Freya's stomach hurt so much that she could barely stand up, and she knew in her heart that tonight, she really couldn't escape, but she still wasn't willing to sit around and wait for death.

She turned her face violently and ran outside the grove regardless. Tom and the others were like watching a monkey show, watching her make her dying struggle, when suddenly, she felt a pain in her back, and Finn kicked her hard to the ground.

"How dare you run? Let's see how I'll get you to death!"

In this shitty place, Tom and the others didn't have to worry about being checked by the police, he grabbed a stone and smashed it hard into Freya's face, of course Freya didn't want to have her face smashed by him, she rolled over and dodged his attack.

Tom was in no hurry, in his opinion, Freya was already prey in the prison, she could not escape.

a cat catching a mouse, he moved a little closer to Freya, a cold smile on his lips that gave

to pounce on her, Freya almost used all her strength and kicked

particularly quick to react, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Freya's foot, "Boss,

chop off your hands and feet here, I'll see how arrogant you still dare to

to Jimmy, who understood

an eerie cold aura. Freya's heart panicked to the extreme, she knew that Tom was not joking, he was really going to chop

really didn't have her arms and legs, even if she survived tonight, her

couldn't do anything to beg for mercy

law to do that! If I die today, the police will find out one day that you are the

shit out of me, girl! We'll split you up and bury you, who'll know? Let me

his head and gestured for Jimmy and Finn to

but her body was still held down solidly

not be able to

see the faces of these men clearly, she would

And Kieran ......

that even though he had driven her to such a desperate situation, she was surprisingly, unable to really

culprit who had

but close her eyes as she saw the cold, glittering knife coming closer

to break away from Jimmy and Finn, who grasped her hair violently and slammed

pain, belatedly, came, and instead the

chop off her hands and feet?

had a head cramp and chopped off his

laughed to herself in her heart, what a time it was, she was

thousand pounds and Freya struggled to open them

of effort, Freya's eyes, only to open a small slit, what she saw only the overwhelming

It was ...... blood.

be the blood from her

dying, bleeding so much, and

body, no longer having a single ounce of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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