My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 55 Want to Say a Few Words to You

After saying this, Freya only felt boundless darkness hit her, her eyes completely unable to see the light, she stiffly lowered her eyelids and did not move a muscle.

Hearing Freya's words, Kieran wanted to say that he did not.

But his throat was strangled by a pair of stiff iron pincers, and he could not speak.

His heart, too, was like a million knives stabbed into it, hurting so much that he couldn't breathe.

He was in no position to defend himself, even though he had never wanted to hurt her, but he was indeed the one to blame for her misery today.

He didn't know how she had been hurt for such a long time, and he dreaded to think what would have become of her if he hadn't found her in time.

"Freya, I'm sorry ......"

Kieran was the first time to be so humble to apologize to others, standing aside Fabian, are stunned, unfortunately, this sentence had not been heard by Freya.

Bradley came forward with trepidation, seeing this look of Kieran, he was apprehensive from the bottom of his heart, but for a moment, he didn't know what to say to be good.

Kieran didn't give them a chance to speak either, he carried Freya and rushed towards the outside of the grove with quick steps.

Her body, there was so much blood, he had to, quickly, go and treat her injuries.

On the way, Bradley had already called Dr. Coleman, who rushed over just as Kieran arrived at the villa with Freya in his arms.

was a distant relative of Kieran's and was also

blood and motionless, Dr. Coleman's eyes looked at Kieran with obvious

thought that Freya had been

and Bradley, of course, all obediently retreated, but Kieran's feet were as if they had grown on the side of the bed, and could not

which always had a bit of cynicism on it, had a rare glint of seriousness on

Mrs. Fitzgerald repeatedly asked Miss Elliott to help her ask Fitz for money?

must have given her a couple of hundred million. Although one or two hundred million

There's no way Mrs. Fitzgerald would ask Fitz for so much money! There must be some kind of misunderstanding here!" Fabian and Freya did not know each other well, but he just believed that she would not be the kind of person who

finished saying this, he suddenly remembered that the other day he went to Miss Elliott's place and bumped into Daisy, who was from a very average family, dressed in

All that money was given to Mrs. Fitzgerald through Miss Elliott, but none of us know if Miss Elliott gave it to Mrs. Fitzgerald in the end! I suspect

it was Miss Elliott who passed on the message for Freya, and they all trusted Miss Elliott too much to think

check the accounts of several people, but because he had never suspected anything, he had not

took care of Freya's injuries,

was also a bit afraid of this man who could do anything, but as a doctor, she had to

too pitiful to be tormented by this psychologically

Coleman cleared her throat, "Fitz, I want to say a few

found her last night was so


I'm saying that you're not happy about, but I have to say them. I can understand that you are at the right age and you have certain needs, but even if you want to have sex, you have to find the right time, she is still on her period and you are taking advantage of her,

of Kieran

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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