My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 107 Don’t Send the Doctor Here

It was Alisha’s voice, painful and sad. She kept calling Out Kieran’s name. “Kieran, help me... Kieran......”

“Alisha, it doesn’t matter to me whether you live or die.”

Alisha thought she was begging Kieran so pitifully that Kieran had to soften his heart. To her surprise, Kieran hung up without emotion after he said that.

From such a distance, Alisha could not see the expression on Kieran’s face at this moment, but she could clearly feel that when Kieran said this, every pore on his body was written with cool.

How cruel he was to her!

Unfazed by the incident, Kieran hung up the phone and went straight to Freya’s room.

Alisha saved him once, but later, she hurt Freya again and again.

If someone else hurt Freya like that, he wouldn’t stand for it. The reason why Claudia was tortured so badly tonight might have been because Alisha wanted to hurt Freya at first. The evils we brought on ourselves were the hardest to bear.

Alisha had hurt Freya so much that it was kind enough of him not to cut her to pieces. He no longer owed Alisha anything, so of course he would not care about Alisha.

Kieran was heartened to see Freya snuggled up in bed like a proud kitten.

He gently stroked Freya’s small face, the sharp curve of his lips rising uncontrollably.

Thinking of something, he took out a jewelry box from his pocket, removed the necklace, and carefully placed it around Freya’s neck.

Freya, you’re on my leash! Don’t run!

Alisha lay prone on the ground, twisting her body in pain.

thought she

at not being able to ruin Freya’s reputation. As soon as she reached the banquet hall, she grabbed a glass of juice and poured it into her mouth, trying to extinguish the fire in her

she was drinking

intense that Alisha felt the fire burned

at this height

of glass and scratched it against her wrist, bringing her

hurriedly called Linda

endure the effects, but they


with you? I’ll get a

going to

wrist hard,

doctor told other people what happened tonight, her public image would be ruined. Besides, this stuff

“Hold on, Alisha! Make it through the night,

tonight, she would not have to feel

her hand, grabbed the phone, and


were serious after-effects, she

Kieran was the

her side as before when

the ground, and she was

it was all

Freya hadn’t stolen Kieran’s heart, he

you go

mistook the vase in front of her for Freya. She smashed the vase mercilessly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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