My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 108 Devil’s Bargain

Those were pictures of her with the guy from last night!

And every single one of these pictures was pornographic. If it went online, she wouldl never get over it!

Who the hell was that man last night?!

Why would he do this to her?!

Linda always played it safe. How could she make such a silly mistake!

Freya looked at the phone number that sent her the photos. She was about to call him and ask why he was so shameless when her phone rang.

Seeing it was the one who sent her photos, she hurriedly picked up the phone.

“Who the hell are you?! Why would you take a picture of me like that?! What exactly are you trying to do?! Whatever you’re trying to do, I’m not gonna let you do it!”

“Alisha, long time no see.”

The voice of the man on the other end of the phone was calm, but it seemed to Alisha like a demon.

She had heard it before. That was the mantra in the hearts of millions.

Alisha was very afraid of the man, but for her own future, she still shouted with clenched teeth, “I have no quarrel with you. Why would you do this to me?! Get rid of those pictures! Delete them all!”

“Alisha, it is not impossible for me to delete those photos.”

The man’s voice sounded carefree and calm to the extreme, but Alisha’s eyes were on fire.

“Tell me what you want.” If he was willing to make a deal with her, that meant there was room for change. The reputation she had built would not be destroyed.

do you know who I hate

the man said quietly again, “The person I hate the most is Kieran Fitzgerald. Everyone in the world knows that the person

was like a poisonous

hated Kieran, but she loved him dearly. What did he want her

uneasiness made Alisha’s heart in turmoil to the extreme. She could

“I want you…”

something for me. Recently, Kieran is participating in a tender in Europe, and I need you to


didn’t speak right away. Her brain was racing. She didn’t want to hurt Kieran, but she was

obsessed with Freya. She didn’t have the upper hand in this

She was gonna kick Freya out and stand right next to Kieran,

help you.” In The eyes of Alisha was the ruthless intent to burn the Bridges. “But you must promise me that these pictures will never be seen

matter how gracefully he did it, he couldn’t hide

could not recover calm for

watched her phone’s screen

with the status quo. She was a person of ambition and intrigue. She always tried to keep

and Bradley was the person who

Bradley Wilson…

whispered the name, and she

and Bradley have a lot of history. When she first met Bradley, he wasn’t a multimillion-dollar special assistant, he was just

time, adored her, worshipped her as a

face when he learned she was the woman who

untouchable. She couldn’t keep Kieran under

only would she get rid of that guy, but he

mirror, Alisha brushed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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