My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 109 Freya was not Responsible for Kieran

Freya didn’t ask the question, but any adult knew what she was going to ask.

Realizing that she was still a little close to him, she stepped back several steps and jumped to the door, keeping a relatively safe distance from him.

She looked down and quietly examined her clothes.

Too cool!

Freya’s head popped open. Did she just spend the night in the same room with him like that?

No, it was not just being in the same room!

Freya’s unease grew when Kieran stared at her with silent eyes. Did they really have sex last night?

Freya took one last chance, even though she was so confused that she collapsed. “Kieran, last night, we... There’s nothing between us, is there?”

“Well, of course there’s nothing between us.”

Freya was relieved to hear Kieran’s words. But she hadn’t been happy for three seconds when Kieran spoke slowly, “We were just doing what couples do last night.”

Doing what couples did?

Freya stared. What did that mean?!

She secretly examined her body. Did they really have sex?

“Kieran, are you kidding me?” Freya asked stiffly with a dry laugh, “How do I remember there was nothing between us?”


lifted his eyelids and glared at her, “Yeah, nothing. Last night, you were pestering me to have

it! Please stop it!” Freya was so ashamed.

was unable to cry. How could she behave so indescribably when she was

of curiosity, do you still

that there was something between her and

whatever happened between them, the two of them couldn’t be together. She

took a long time to find her voice, “Kieran, I was drunk last night, and whatever I did to

are my elder, I respect you very much, and I don’t want anyone to misunderstand our relationship. Kieran, from now on, let us not see each other again, and we’ll just treat each other like strangers, and it’ll

admired her intelligence immensely. Yeah, she was drunk last night anyway, and as long as she acted blacked out and denied what she did last night, no

she saw Kieran again, she got upset. Since they were not destined to the same world, it was better for them not to see each

was so sorry to Seth for

that she would try to accept him, but she had sex with

to be Seth’s girlfriend anymore.

hard it took him to resist the idea of taking advantage of

eager she was to distance herself from him, and it made him very

eyebrows. In his deep eyes, there was a spark that could start a fire, “What,

What did he mean by sleeping with Kieran? She thought she fell asleep after she

“Freya, you’re being irresponsible!”

know what to say when Kieran

made her feel like she was pretending

irresponsible, I’m doing this... I’m doing this for your own good. I’m not in the same class as you, and it would ruin your reputation if people knew there was some kind of relationship between you and

reputation? I’m with my wife.

sense of powerlessness, “Kieran, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m not your wife? We’re divorced! Our names are right on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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