My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 207 This is What is Heartless

"Talia, I forbid you to hurt Jaden and Jayla!"

Talia had let someone set snakes to bite her, but how could Freya have ever imagined that Talia would be so heartless as to go after the two little ones?

"Freya, are you threatening me?" Talia's voice was heavy with hatred as she smiled icily, "Freya, you're not qualified to threaten me now! The lives of your son and daughter are in my hands, and I can break their necks if I'm not happy!"

"Talia, don't hurt Jaden and Jayla!" Freya tried to suppress the trembling in his heart, "Talia, the person you hate is me, you can do whatever you want to me, don't hurt Jaden and Jayla!"

In fact, in Freya's heart, she still had a slight chance, she hoped that Talia was just deliberately scaring her, that Jaden and Jayla were not in Talia's hands, who knew that the next second, Talia hung up the phone and called her on the video call.

From the video, she clearly saw that Jaden and Jayla, one on each side, were being held down to death by two big, burly men, and there were still visible bloodstains on both of their small faces.

Seeing this stinging blood red, Freya only felt that her heart had been plucked out. She didn't care how Talia harmed her, but she wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her babies!

Freya scratched her chest hard as she forced herself to calm down, "Talia, tell me, what exactly do you want to do! I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do, I just hope you can let Jaden and Jayla go!"

Yes, if Talia really wanted to kill Jaden and Jayla, she would have just killed them, there was no need to call her on the video.

Since she had called her on the video, it proved that the person she really wanted to deal with was her, Jaden and Jayla, whose lives were not in danger for the time being.

"Freya, you've put me through hell!"

When she thought of her recent situation, Talia hated her guts. Although she was originally not popular, she had a lot of fans following at any rate.

But since she was bitten by a poisonous snake, all her fans had turned into fake fans.

that everyone in the entertainment industry shouted at,

commercials and films had been cancelled, and under her Weibo account, she was scolded,

to work with her, no more advertisers would be willing to approach her, and even if she took it upon herself to climb into the beds of a few beer-bellied

bad artist that everyone shouted at. The day she was discharged from

smell of the filth being poured on her face,

of person who, no matter what lessons she encountered, still habitually put the blame on others. She always felt that it was Freya who caused her misery, but she never wanted to think about how she could have come to this point if she hadn't been instigated by Alisha to harm Freya time and again, and even tried

to think that if Elisa hadn't posted the video online, this poisonous snake


teeth clenched, "Freya, you've ruined me! You've ruined me! You made it impossible for me to live, and I won't make

more important than my life! Freya, you destroyed what I cared about most, and I will destroy what you care about

already on the verge of madness, she turned her face violently and

and this slap from Talia almost caused

phone and could clearly see what was happening over here, and

before and she was, in her heart, scared, but she loved her mommy and didn't

don't worry, I am

called out loudly, "Mommy, I

"Shut the fuck up!"

hand, and a slap was about to be thrown hard at Jayla's face again, but Jaden coldly raised

firm and cold. Talia knew that a little kid could not make any waves, but when she

or what happened, but Talia's

Talia became infuriated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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