My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 208 Gouged Out the Eyes of Two Little Ones

Talia gave Freya an address and simply hung up the phone.

Talia thought very well, even if Freya came over, she would not let go of Jaden and Jayla.

Since she wanted to take revenge on Freya, she had to do it thoroughly. She was just in time to send the three of them to hell together!

As for the 50 million ......

She knew that Freya could raise the money. Freya didn't have 50 million, but Seth and Stephen did. To save her children, Freya would have to raise the 50 million even if she had to sell her body!

The corners of Talia's lips could not be controlled to rise, she had everything ready, as long as she got the 50 million, she could leave the country, from then on, no one would disturb her good life again!

When she got Freya killed, Alisha would also give her a large sum of money, with that much money, she would definitely live in style when she was abroad!

Freya, I'm waiting for you to come over, to give away money, and to die!

After Talia's mobile phone screen turned black, she was able to clearly see her distorted face from within the screen.

Looking at the face reflected on the phone screen, Talia also felt unfamiliar.

Before, she was not like this.

Once, she was a simple and kind girl, but since entering the entertainment industry, she slowly changed, becoming vain, fond of competing, for the sake of the role, selling her body.

Later, she even harmed people again and again for the benefits promised by Alisha.

Talia didn't think there was anything wrong with her change. Since people want to live well in this world, how can they not go with the flow!

was the environment of the entertainment industry, since she had chosen this path, she was destined to

hadn't made her a flop, by now, she would have gotten the number one female role in that literary

almost crushed the phone in her hand, Freya, don't blame me! You forced me to do it! You made me do

as Talia hung up the phone, Freya received a call from

I'm sorry, I didn't keep an eye on

face, "Freya, I'm sorry, I will find Jaden and Jayla! Otherwise, I will never

to slap herself to death. On a weekend, she had wanted to nurture a good relationship with her precious grandchildren, but to her surprise, she had taken her precious grandchildren shopping and she was inexplicably knocked unconscious, and when

and once she saw this

herself, if she hadn't been so capricious and wanted to be alone with her own precious grandchildren, and hadn't let the bodyguard follow her, this wouldn't

I won't let anything happen to Jaden and

at her phone and

from wrong, she

they were

"Freya, I'm sorry ......"

more. She did not know what to say to Freya to express her apology and hard feelings,

she now, only wanted to quickly gather the 50 million so

was really astronomical. She might not be able to repay the money she had borrowed for the rest of

had been sitting beside Freya, and he knew exactly

this madman Talia now, and for the sake of

happen to Jaden and Jayla, but he also absolutely could

have to borrow money from

Freya whispered to Kieran.

she hadn't finished paying back the one million she owed Kieran, and now it was

she would, in all likelihood, never have the chance to pay back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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