Chapter 2982

Max pondered for a moment and said, "Alright, let’s wait and see what develops."

In matters as delicate as Patricia's treatment, it was best to proceed with caution, especially in the absence of Nicole, who was currently abroad. Any major decisions would have to be deferred until her return.

Leaving Charlie with his thoughts, Max departed, his mind already shifting to the myriad of responsibilities awaiting him at the office. With Jared away, the burden of overseeing operations fell heavily on his shoulders.

Meanwhile, as darkness enveloped the city, Nicole and Jared's plane touched down smoothly at Lanningbourg Airport. Stepping into the cool night air, they were immediately met by a familiar face.

"Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston," Adolph greeted them with a respectful nod, his movements efficient as he opened the car door for them.

Adolph was part of the same network as Patricia and

Charlie, another piece in Jared’s extensive and intricate web.

Adolph with a calm,

responded confidently, "Everything's

the Apex Corp project and the unresolved

assurance, confirmed, "Everything

her thoughts lingering on the more sensitive aspects of

responded, his expression showing his readiness to tackle whatever challenges

the hotel, Adolph reassured them once more. "Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston, please take your time to rest. We

and the presence of a reliable team in Lanningbourg meant that Jared and

Jared acknowledged Adolph's statement and then led Nicole

a moment of refreshing themselves, Nicole found herself seated on the couch, gazing out of the window.

in environment or the unfamiliar distance from Nolan

and gently massaged

admitted softly, her thoughts still


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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