Chapter 2983

After refreshing herself, Nicole made her way to the hotel's breakfast area. She chose a light yet nourishing meal and was on her way back to her room when she suddenly sensed someone's presence. Reacting swiftly, she stopped, narrowly avoiding a collision and a potential breakfast disaster.

Nicole's gaze landed on the man before her as she stepped back, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there. I almost bumped into you," the man offered an apology.

Nicole gave him a brief, indifferent glance and shook her head, signaling that it was no big deal. She then maneuvered around him with her tray, gracefully exiting the space.

The man watched Nicole leave, a shadow of intrigue passing over his eyes. He subtly slipped a button-like item into his pocket and resumed selecting his breakfast, masking any hint of the earlier incident.

Meanwhile, Nicole lingered near the restaurant's entrance, discreetly keeping an eye on the man. She had caught him putting something into his own pocket, and though its nature was uncertain, she was sure it was meant for her - possibly something dangerous, or a tracking device.

'What was that about? Why was he trying to plant something on me?' she thought, wary.

headed back to her room with her

the tray in her hands, he realized she had fetched

explore a

tray on the coffee table. Sharing a

is quite good," Nicole commented

in this area..." Jared started to fill her in on some

chiming in as Jared spoke. They wrapped up their breakfast in

"Staying here

everything covered - food, a place to crash,

security around here?" Nicole asked out of the

bit. "Why


over. "Could it be someone from the Eastern

thinking," Nicole replied, a cold smile on her face. "They seem eager

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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